In Memory Of
What we are allowed to share with these special spirits, can never be taken from us. Those memories will be
buried in our hearts forever. And even though some of those memories are not as long as others, they are still
very worthwhile.
By Author Unknown

This page is dedicated to the wonderful horses that have gone on to greener pastures while residing here at
Circle S Quarter Horses. They are missed terribly and will always be remembered.
I'll lend you for a little while
My grandest foal, He said.
For you to love while he's alive
and mourn for when he's dead.

It may be one or twenty years,
or days or months, you see
But, will you, till I take him back
Take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you
And should his stay be brief
You'll have treasured memories
As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth must return.
But, there are lessons taught on earth
I want this foal to learn.

I've looked the wide world over
In my search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's
With trust I have selected you.

Now will you give him your total love?
Nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come
To take him back again?

I know you'll give him tenderness
And love will bloom each day.
And for the happiness you've known
Forever grateful stay.

But should I come and call for him
Much sooner than you'd planned
You'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And someday you'll understand.

For though I'll call him home to Me
This promise to you I do make
For all the love and care you gave
He'll wait for you, just Inside Heaven's
Josey Goldstar
July 11, 1987 to June 2, 1999
Pushed out her uterus after
foaling, hemorrahaged and died.
Stormy Dee Bea
May 12, 1988 to Feb. 27, 2004
Died from complications arising from
bone spurs on her front feet.
King Kissabar Starlet
April 25, 1989 to March 13, 2002
Died from a calcium defiency after
foaling which led to severe colic.
Ms Pascos Lady
May 8, 1995 to Jan. 15, 2002
Died from complications arising
from a severe cold or rhino virus.
Small Town Dudett
March 14, 1999 to July 4th,
Struck by lightning.
Acres O Cinnamon
March 20, 2001 to July 4, 2002
Struck by lightning.
One Good Gun
July 15, 2000 to July 4, 2002
Struck by lightning.
March 24, 2004 to April 12, 2004
Broke his neck while playing in the
1974 to 2001
Died from complications arising from old
May 31, 1999 to fall 2001
Orphaned at 2 days old. Hand-raised.
Broke his neck while playing in pasture.
1994 to July 4th, 2002
My best friend and riding buddy.
Struck by lightning.
Dizzy Bam
March 1, 1990 to February 17, 2005.
Died from uterine torsion(twisted uterus) during
labor. You and your Cowboy baby girl are missed!!
March 26, 2006  to April 28, 2006.
Died from complications arising from a back
Genuine Sal
April 13, 1982  to May 29, 2007.
Died from severe colic.
We miss you grand old lady ;(
Sorrel Scorpion
March 29, 1980  to November
27, 2007.
Died from severe colic.
This was a hard loss for us all.
Snowbound Robin
March 18, 1992  to December 24,
Died from unknown causes. She just
looked like she went to sleep and
never woke up.
Jezys Midnight Storm
March 27, 1994 to November 11, 2009
Died after a long, 3 day battle, from severe colic while at our vet's office
You and your unborn Lucky baby are a devastating loss to us :(
Farrah Dell
June 18, 1990-December 10, 2009
Had freak accident in the pasture while scratching on a panel.
This mare was an awesome producer for us and will greatly be missed.
She had a life time home here.